With its Ortho-Apochromat Triplet (TOA) concept, Takahashi gives a second youth to the refractors of large diameter, often confined with the planetary and lunar observation. Greatest accessibility with the imagery as well
With its Ortho-Apochromat Triplet (TOA) concept, Takahashi gives a second youth to the refractors of large diameter, often confined with the planetary and lunar observation. Greatest accessibility with the imagery as well
With its Ortho-Apochromat Triplet (TOA) concept, Takahashi gives a second youth to the refractors of large diameter, often confined with the planetary and lunar observation. Greatest accessibility with the imagery as well
With its Ortho-Apochromat Triplet (TOA) concept, Takahashi gives a second youth to the refractors of large diameter, often confined with the planetary and lunar observation. Greatest accessibility with the imagery as well