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Skywatcher Evostar 80 ED DS Pro

This amazing image of the California Nebula was taken my Joseph Stafford at just 14 years old. More
information about this image can be found below.
The telescope used was a Skywatcher Evostar 80 ED DS Pro with an astromodified Canon EOS 1200D.
The image is a HaRGB composite image with a total of 3.2 hours worth of exposure.
My name - Joseph Stafford
Data acquired -  November 18th 2017
Target - California Nebula / NGC1499



This breathtaking image was sent in by John Hendry. This is the great Orion nebula and this was a widefield
shot using an Evostar 80 ED DS Pro. More of Johns amazing images are available to view on here.


This is a superb image of the Heart Nebula. Very good detail and a mass of stars. This was a 1 1/2 hour
exposure with a Canon 40D and the 80 ED.